Join us for Intelliquest!






Saturday, May 9, 2015.

Presented by Thrive and


Click to Register Here!

Intelliquest is an Adventure Race in downtown Hendersonville. Teams will compete to complete challenges revolving around mind, body and soul wellness. Geared toward racers of all abilities.

  • Mind – puzzles, word searches 
  • Body – physical fitness activities for all abilities
  • Soul – music, art, theatre

Race Day Details:

  • Adventure Race start time is 9AM, Saturday, May 9, 2015.
  • Registration and packet pick-up starts at 8:15 AM or pre-registration online
  • Line up to begin the race at 8:45AM, bring your “wellness bag” with you for treats and prizes along the way!
  • Participants should form teams of 4. (If special circumstances apply to the number of people on your team (i.e. a family of 5 is interested in participating together), please email or call Angela at [email protected] or 828-489-3892.)

Registration Details:

Teams of 4

  • $20 per person; $80 per team!

100% of proceeds will benefit Thrive. Thrive assists adults with mental health symptoms in Henderson and Transylvania counties to move from surviving crises to thriving in the community. To find out more information, click here; or find us on social media. Or, to schedule a tour, call 828-697-1581. 

Click to Register Here!

Do you have wellness in your private life?

I recently took a brief break from emails and social media and I found that I was able to think more critically when not inundated with all of the spam mail, advertisements, and status updates.  I was struck that we don’t really have a private life anymore, at least not one that we spend time growing and improving.

Our culture demands transparency and social sharing.  This often leads us to compare ourselves to our social network friends.  There used to be a time when we met in person with our friends and family and looked each other in the eye and discussed what we wanted out of life, what we needed to do to achieve that, and received wisdom from those who had gone before us.  Don’t get me wrong, social media has its place and who doesn’t like to get all those Happy Birthday posts from your entire friend list?!

Author Gordon MacDonald wrote “Ordering Your Private World” where he identifies your inward character as your private world.  How can we really increase our wellness if we are so focused on everyone else’s status update?  Our status updates tend to be the highlights of our life… what race we just completed, what fabulous meal we just devoured, what trip we just took, etc.  Is that really wellness?  We may think that those activities show wellness but I would contend that the private times with our family and friends really show how well we are.

If we are dissatisfied, fearful, lonely, argumentative, or just have trouble connecting with anyone on a deep level then we need to change something.  I won’t pretend to know what each reader may be experiencing, but I challenge you to look at your own life and your own character to determine what you need to grow.

coffee dateSocial media can provide encouragement and can help you stay connected to people that live far away from you, but it also provides much distraction. We forget to look each other in the eye, go on a walk with your best friend, play a board game with your children, or simply hold your spouse’s hand while watching the sun set.

What are you willing to give up to reconnect with your friends, family, character, and private life?

Thrive Staff Member Embarks Upon a Foot-Fueled Fundraiser; Seeks $10,000 for Agency

Michael Hike

Clubhouse Unit Leader Michael Koslow to hike Pacific Crest Trail and raise money for Thrive along the way.

 (Hendersonville, NC – January, 2014)  Thrive Executive Director Kristen Martin announced today that one of her staff members plans to hike the Pacific Crest Trail in April and raise money for Thrive Clubhouse with every mile walked. Michael Koslow, a Unit Leader at the Clubhouse, will begin his 2,633 mile thru-hike on April 29 and is seeking donations for each mile hiked. His goal is to raise $10,000 for the Clubhouse program, appealing to philanthropic organizations, hiking groups, and individuals personally touched by mental illness.

Thrive is a local nonprofit dedicated to helping adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses move from merely surviving to thriving. “Our programs enrich members’ lives as they develop the skills critical to becoming socially and vocationally integrated into society,” said Martin. “For an agency like ours hit hard by budget cuts in the past year, Michael’s fundraising effort is greatly appreciated.”

For many of the Thrive community, the Clubhouse plays a vital role in their lives. The Clubhouse demonstrates that people with mental illness can successfully participate in society through education, employment, and other social activities. The Clubhouse offers prevocational work-ordered day programs; social and recreational programming; holiday support; and individualized services to its members.

Tricia, a participant in the Clubhouse program, shares why it’s important to her to keep Thrive alive and thriving. “I began to have panic attacks and symptoms of bipolar disorder about 5 years ago.  With the support of my family, the Thrive staff members were able to help me learn to socialize again and to learn what it takes for me to feel

healthy. I was my own worst enemy before I began here and now I want to be a role model for others that are just beginning their recovery journey.”

Individuals or organizations who are interested in contributing can make direct donations by check to Thrive, with the memo line “Thru-hike for Thrive.” To learn more information about this nonprofit or to make a general donation, please visit or call 697-1581. You can also follow Michael’s journey on the Thrive Facebook page at thrive4health.

New Name, New Look, New Site!

We’re excited to share our new look and website with you!


Please be sure and check out the entire site, and if you haven’t yet, please sign up for our email newsletter. We will do our best to keep you up to date on what’s happening with Thrive.  Thanks for stopping by!